APAC Realty Limited
Management Sustainability Committee
Terms of Reference

The Board has established a Management Sustainability Committee (the “Committee”). The Committee’s purpose is to assist the Board in its oversight of corporate responsibility, sustainability and reputation matters, taking into account the Group’s purpose, strategy and culture.


1. The Chairperson and Advisor of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board. The Board has appointed the Deputy CEO as the Chairperson and the CEO as the Advisor.

2. The Committee shall consist of the heads of Finance, Human Resources, Compliance, Corporate Communications and Property Management departments. The additional members of the Committee can be appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee.

3. The Board determines the service period of the Chairperson of the Committee


4. Only members of the Committee have the right to attend committee meetings. However, other individuals such as the Directors, other executives, and external advisers may be invited to attend all or part of any meeting, as and when appropriate.


5. The Committee is authorised to request the provision of such information, and access to such representatives from each department, as it requires discharging its responsibilities.

6. The Committee is authorised to take outside professional advice, at the Company’s reasonable expense, as it considers necessary to fulfil its duties.

Meetings and Quorum

7. The Committee shall meet at least two times a year and as frequently as required in performing its duties.

8. The timing and agenda of meetings is the responsibility of the Committee Chairperson, subject whenever practicable to the expressed wishes of Committee members.

9. A quorum shall be two members


10. Review sustainability risks and opportunities and recommend changes as appropriate to the Company’s Sustainability strategy and policy, considering the Company’s strategy, purpose and culture and ensuring standards of business behaviour are up to date and reflect the best business practices in this area.

11. Ensure the required actions to implement this strategy are appropriately resourced by management.

12. Assess the Company’s performance in implementing the Sustainability strategy and policy by receiving and considering updates from the Company’s businesses and internal and external experts.

13. Monitor and review changes in the Company’s reputation and stakeholders’ sustainability expectations, and ensure the Board is kept appropriately informed.

14. Bring best-practice thinking and ongoing awareness of global developments in sustainability.


15. The Chairperson of the Committee shall report to the Board on its proceedings after each meeting on all matters within its duties and responsibilities.

16. Review and approve statements and reports to be published by the Company on sustainability matters, including environmental and social policy statements. The Committee reports on its activities and sustainability content in the Annual Report and the annual Sustainability Report.

17. The Chairperson of the Committee shall report to the Board on changes in sustainability reporting requirements, including climate change reporting, by the SGX-ST and any other security exchange authorities related to all publicly listed subsidiaries to ensure compliance across the Group.

Operation of the Committee

18. Consider any other matters referred to the Committee by the Board.

19. Review these Terms annually, requesting Board approval for any proposed changes, and at appropriate intervals, evaluate its performance against these Terms and best practices.

Approved by the Board of Directors on 23 February 2023